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We accept unsolicited submissions of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, scholarship with a creative bent, and book reviews. All submissions must be in Microsoft Word or a PDF.

Poetry: 3-5 unpublished poems in one document (not to exceed ten pages). Fiction and Nonfiction: 5000 words. Book reviews are usually around 1000-1500 words. Please keep bios to 50-75 words.

Our reading period runs from April 1 to September 1. Because of the high volume of submissions we receive, response time ranges from  three months until our closing date. Payment is one complimentary copy of the issue with additional copies available at 10 dollars per issue. We accept simultaneous submissions; please notify us immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere.

To help maintain the high quality of our print journal, and to offset costs, we have reluctantly decided to charge a three dollar reading fee for each submission. If you cannot meet this fee, please contact us at and we can discuss alternatives, such as a fee waiver.

We do not accept unsolicited submissions from current University of Rhode Island students. Alumni are welcome to submit if and only if three or more years have passed since their graduation.

In order to expedite our reading of your work and to simplify the process for you, we’re pleased to have moved exclusively to online submissions. To submit, please click here:
